When it comes to Valentine’s Day it always rolls up on me then there’s this mad rush to either plan something, order something, or get some cheesy card. But for 2024 we’re doing something different. This year we are going to plan something for that special someone to spend some quality time together in, with, and through the local community and locally owned businesses.

That’s why I’ve put together some ideas for a date day & date night with that special someone (or someones if that’s how you roll… no shame!)

7 Local Valentine's Day Ideas in Rochester NY
7 Local Valentine’s Day Ideas in Rochester NY

Let’s get started

1 – Go see a show

Did you know there is a theatre here in Rochester that is both locally and Black-owned? Yea, I just found out myself. They often have shows and theatrical performances going on.

The Avenue Blackbox Theatre is one such location!

Be sure to subscribe to their email list for all of the updates: https://www.avenuetheatre.org/keep-in-touch

Check out our list of entertainment establishments here

2- Get a couples massage

We believe that quality time as a couple (& solo) can be really important to a thriving relationship. It’s also important that this quality time focuses on you all as a couple. Not as parents, business people, or caregivers. So what better way to do that than a couples’ massage?

A couples’ massage is when you both get a relaxing massage while lying next to each other (but on separate massage tables). There’s often relaxing soothing music and romantic scents involved.

Because 2 massage therapists are needed reach out in advance to book an appointment!

Check out our list of massage therapists here

3- Get a couples’ photoshoot!

Do you know how you receive those cards in the mail with your friend’s family in the photo? Wouldn’t it be nice to have some updated photos of yall that aren’t selfies or with your mouth full of food from the group outing you went on? Wouldn’t it be nice to see how you all have grown in love together over the years? It is cheesy and it is also super cute.

Why not treat you all to something that will be enjoyable, fun, and useful?

Many photographers have awesome Valentine’s Day packages for this reason!

Check out our list of photographers here

4- Go on a trip together

Alright, this isn’t quite local (unless it’s a day trip). However, this will bring y’all together!

Planning a trip can be stressful though so why not work with a travel agent to plan the perfect Valentine’s trip? Are travel planners out of date? No! With SOO many options these days and different tastes, it can be hectic planning a trip. This is even considered one of the things that can break a couple up (along with house hunting!) Enlisting the help, support, and guidance of a travel agent might actually save your sanity and your relationship… who knew?


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Check out our list of travel agents here

5- Get some locally made snacks to share and try them together

I don’t know about you but I love trying new things and this is the perfect opportunity to do so!

There are quite a few places around town that sell snacks and beverages for those in between meal times.

Check out our list of local bakeries and eateries!

6 – Have a nightcap together

Taking some quality time during the afternoon or evening is a great way to reconnect. Having a nightcap after the delicious dinner you had is an amazing way to cap off a lovely Valentine’s Day. There are many places in Rochester, NY that you can visit.


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Check out our list of local nightlife spots!

7- Have lunch together!

It is possible that this Valentine’s Day you or your bae have to work most of the day so you might not be able to do many of these things. If that is the case try on one of your off days to have a nice lunch together! Just the 2 of you. This might actually be more meaningful than doing it on Valentine’s Day because so many people believe it to be a commercialized holiday to sell stuff (which it is lol). It is also never too cheesy to show love and affection for your boo.


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Click here to check out the restaurants where you can have lunch together!

Alright, now that you have some ideas of places to go, things to do, & places to eat this concludes this list.

Be sure to subscribe to our email list for all the latest and greatest articles on what to do in Rochester!


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